Motor Vehicle & Mobile Home Registrations
Vehicle Registration
All motor vehicles, mobile homes and trailers in the State of Florida must be registered, and/or titled. It is the responsibility of the Tax Collector, in his capacity as agent for the Department of Motorist Services, to provide the necessary services and operation to accomplish this.
Vehicle Registration Renewal
Vehicles are registered on a staggered basis according to the registered owner’s birth month. The registration expires at midnight on the owner’s birthday. Exceptions are mobile home registrations, which are renewed in December; company owned vehicles must be renewed in June; truck-tractors, semi-trailers, trucks over 5000 lbs. that are titled in the name of a business and 9 passenger and over automobiles for hire, which must be renewed in December; lease vehicles which renew on a staggered basis throughout the year. The Tax Collector must check proof of insurance on all motor vehicles, except trailers and motorcycles. A delinquent fee is imposed on persons failing to timely register these vehicles. Renewals can be made three months in advance.
Military Members
Thank you for your service! We understand that as a member of the United States Armed Forces your duties may present some challenges in vehicle titling and registration. We have three offices to serve you or your designated power of attorney in person. However, if you need to process your transaction by email, the Department of Motor Vehicles provides a dedicated email address for military members. Please email with your contact information and the State will assist in processing your title and/or registration.
License Plate
Florida uses a metal plate with a series of alpha numeric numbering systems. The renewal sticker, denoting the birth month and year, is placed in the upper right hand corner. You have an option to request a plate that's embossed with Flagler, Sunshine State or In God We Trust on the bottom. Plates are kept for a ten year period. On the 11th year of renewal, a new plate and decal are issued.
Proof of Insurance
Proof of Florida insurance is required to purchase a license plate in Florida. The minimum insurance requirement is Personal injury protection (PIP) in the amount of at least $10,000 and at least $10,000 in protection damage liability (PDL) insurance. Commercial trucks require additional insurance. Contact the Tax Collector’s Office for information.
Change of Address
In order to maintain accurate records, and to help ensure that each registered owner receives a tag renewal notice, all changes of address must be reported to the Tax Collector’s Office or The Department of Motor Vehicles within 30 days.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of each registered owner to see that the registration is kept current.
Initial Registration
A $225.00 Initial Registration fee and a $28.00 metal license plate fee is imposed the first time a license plate is purchased for a vehicle. This applies to private automobiles, motor homes, trucks less than 5,000 pounds.
Annual Rates
Annual license taxes, for the operation of a motor vehicle as defined in F.S. 320.01 shall be paid upon registration or re-registration. The following are 12-month rates:
Automobile (Private Use) Weight | Price |
under 2500 lbs. | $28.10 |
2500 through 3499 lbs. | $36.10 |
3500 lbs. or more | $46.10 |
Lightweight Trucks (Private Use) Weight | Price |
under 1999 lbs. | $28.10 |
2000 through 3000 lbs. | $36.10 |
3001 through 5000 lbs. | $46.10 |
Florida Personalized Tags
Personalized Tags are ordered from the Tax Collector’s Office. Cost of the tag is approximately $60.00 the first year in addition to the annual tax and fees. After the first year the cost is $15.00 per year plus annual tax and fees. Personalized tags may be ordered for private or company owned cars, trucks, motor homes, motorcycles, leased vehicles and trailers. Click here to find out if the personalized license plate you want is available.
Specialty License Plates
Follow the link to see the images and find out about the many types of Specialty License Plates.
Mobile Homes
Mobile Home Registration
In Florida, mobile homes must be registered. A numbered decal, instead of a metal license plate, is issued for identification. State statutes require mobile home registrations be renewed annually by December 31. A delinquent fee is charged if the registration is not renewed by the 10th of January.
Registration fees are set by the Department of Motor Vehicles and are based on the length of the mobile home. Double wide and triple wide mobile homes are considered two and three separate units respectively, and the owner must purchase a decal for each unit. Mobile home owners are required to display the decal in a window clearly visible from the road in front of the home.
Mobile Home Title
To apply for title and registration of a Mobile Home the applicant must present the following documents to the Tax Collector's Office:
- Current or last issued Florida Vehicle Registration Certificate for the mobile home (if lost, furnish the most current decal number)
- Title properly completed for transfer by the previous owner
How to Identify Your Mobile Home
Real Property
Real Property Mobile Home Registration
All mobile homes or recreational vehicles permanently affixed to the owner's land and declared as Real Property are issued a permanent "RP" decal. Owners must obtain a DR-402 form from the Property Appraiser's office, indicating the land and mobile home titles are in the same owner name, before applying for the "RP" decal from the Tax Collector's Office.
"RP" decals are permanent and transferable to the new owner when the land and mobile home are sold as a unit. Cost for "RP" decals are $5.10 per unit.
Motorist Services