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Installment Payment Plan

Installment Payment Plan Taxpayers may choose to pay their property taxes quarterly by participating in an installment payment plan. Plan Requirements To be eligible for the program, the taxpayers’ estimated taxes must be in excess of $100.00. The first installment payment of the total estimated amount shall be made no later than June 30th.  The Tax Collector may accept a …

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Important Dates & Deadlines – Taxes

Important Dates & Deadlines – Taxes January Property Tax 2% Early Payment Discount – In January, a 2% discount can be earned for early payment of real estate property taxes and/or tangible personal property taxes. February Property Tax 1% Early Payment Discount – In February, a 1% discount can be earned for early payment of real estate property taxes and/or …

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Tangible Personal Property Taxes

Tangible Personal Property Taxes Tangible Personal Property Tax is an Ad Valorem tax assessed against the furniture, fixtures, and equipment located in businesses and rental properties. Tangible Personal Property Tax also applies to structural additions of a mobile home. The assessed value of the tangible personal property is determined by the property appraiser. The assessment is based on a January …

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Search or Pay Property Taxes

Search or Pay Property Taxes Tax notices containing the Ad valorem and Non-Ad valorem assessments are mailed out in November of each year. If you pay by the installment payment method, your tax notices are mailed out quarterly in June, September, December and March. Taxes are considered delinquent if not paid by April 1st of the following year. The following …

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Property Taxes

Property Taxes Ad valorem taxes are based on the value of real property for the tax year beginning January 1st to December 31st. Taxes are paid in arrears beginning on November 1st of the tax year. The office of the Property Appraiser establishes the value of the property and the Board of County Commissioners, School Board, City Commissioners and other …

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked QuestionsAllProperty TaxesConcealed WeaponsBirth CertificatesHunting & FishingWhy did my taxes go up?An increase in the assessed value of the property or the loss of an exemption are common changes that affect the tax amount. The Property Appraiser’s office determines the assessed value and exemptions on the tax roll. If you need to discuss these amounts, contact the Property Appraiser’s …

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